

Erika Hirsch Praxis Vital Homöopathie Bodenhof 2a 6403 Küssnacht a. R. Praxis Vital Homöopathie Schauenburgerstrasse 8 4052 Basel Telefon: 079 196 28 81

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Texte: Erika Hirsch | Immensee Bilder:


Purpleeye Webpublishing
Jacqueline Lengen
Hochwachtstrasse 63
6312 Steinhausen
Telefon: 077 44 777 66


Grimaldi-Bensouda, L., Bégaud, B., Rossignol, M., Avouac, B., Lert, F., Rouillon, F. & Guillemot, D. (2014): Management of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections by Different Medical Practices, Including Homeopathy, and Consumption of Antibiotics in Primary Care: The EPI3 Cohort Study in France 2007–2008. In: PLoS ONE, 9(3), e89990 Grimaldi-Bensouda, L., Abenhaim, L., Massol, J., Guillemot, D., Avouac, B., Duru, G., Lert, F., Magnier, A.-M., Rossignol, M., Rouillon, F. & Begaud, B. (2016): Homeopathic medical practice for anxiety and depression in primary care: the EPI3 cohort study. In: BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 16(125). doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1104-2. Jacobs, J., Gloyd S.S., Gale J.L., Jiménez, L.M. & Crothers, D. (1994): Treatment of Acute Childhood Diarrhea with Homeopathic Medicine: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Nicaragua. In: Pedriatics 93(5): 719-25 Charles de Foucauld (1858 – 1916) «Es gibt keinen Augenblick in unserem Leben in dem wir nicht einen neuen Weg einschlagen könnten!»